Friday, August 30, 2013

Genetic Musings 02

Game: Second Life, Breedable Meeroos

I now have several 'perfects' and several near perfects. I have added Irish clear and monsoon clear to my want list. My meeroos have produce a lot of Jades, Arabians, and Sunfires with clear indigo eyes, long down, and long furred tails. I'm also getting quite a few with bushy tails since that trait was introduced. It is less preferred personally but they still make stunning roos.

I have also kept a side breeding project of Trollfire and have introduced lantern tail , rose ears, and Paleolithic.

I am now introducing vulpine tails through nest I have purchased at Mermaid Isle. The seller there is a Second Life Universe member, has very good pricing and provides discounts for SLU members on occasion.

A sampling of my breeding roos:

Kiluunihr - aggro male *perfect

Species: Bengal Meeroo
Coat: Jade
Head: Feline
Eyes: Indigo/Diurnal/Clear
Hair: Fluff and Chest
Ears: Long Down Ears
Tail: Long Furred Tail
his mate

Nexia - misch female

Species: Bengal Meeroo
Coat: Sunfire
Head: Feline
Eyes: Irish/Diurnal/Dusty
Hair: Fluff Only
Ears: Flitter Ears
Tail: Bushy Tail
3 of their children are in my breeding pool at the moment \/

Kiluuxir - aggro male

Species: Savanna Meeroo
Coat: Zulu
Head: Feline
Eyes: Irish/Diurnal/Dusty
Hair: Fluff Only
Ears: Flitter Ears
Tail: Bushy Tail
*current offspring in breeding program: Lyxuu - Zulu, Irish Clear, Fluff Only, Bushy Tail, Shy, Male
mother of Lyxxu - Lyraikuuai: Jade, Irish Dusty, Fluff and Chest, Flitter Ears, Long Furred Tail, Shy
*mate of Lyxuu - Nexihra: Jade, Feline head, Irish Dusty, Fluff and Chest, Flitter Ears, Bushy Tail, Aggressive - Daughter of Kiluunihr and Nexia

Nexihra - aggro female 

Coat: Jade
Head: Feline
Eyes: Irish/Diurnal/Dusty
Hair: Fluff and Chest
Ears: Flitter Ears
Tail: Bushy Tail

Kilexia - aggro female

Coat: Sunfire
Head: Feline
Eyes: Carnation/Diurnal/Dusty
Hair: Fluff Only
Ears: Long Down Ears
Tail: Long Furred Tail
*mate of  Kilexia - Celtic Gold: Goldleaf, Carnation Dusty, Long Mane, Long Down Ears, Short Tail, Shy, Male, Dew. father GoldLeaf, mother Celtic.
Other Currently breeding roos

Syrkuuphi - aggro male *perfect

Coat: Jade
Head: Feline
Eyes: Deceiver/Nocturnal/Glow
Hair: Fluff and Chest
Ears: Long Down Ears
Tail: Long Furred Tail

Rhialynn - shy female *mate of Syrkuuphi

Coat: Arabian
Head: Normal
Eyes: Indigo/Diurnal/Clear
Hair: Fluff and Chest
Ears: Flitter Ears
Tail: Long Furred Tail

*Other new breeding pair:
Lolita: Lotus, Canine, Monsoon Clear, Fluff Only, Long Down Ears, Vulpine Tail, Aggressive, Female, Dew
*Lotus Canine Flitter Vulpine parents (both)
Chyme: Camarthen, Canine, Monsoon Dusty, Long Mane, Long Down Ears, Long Furred Tail, Aggressive, Male -mother Jade (gifted to me), father Camarthen.

Upcomming perfect nest to breeding program: Jade, Feline, Indigo Clear, Fluff Only, Flitter Ears, Long Furred Tail, Shy, Male, Large
Father perfect Jade Indigo Clear:
Mother Spirit Deceiver Glow:

I have 3 pairs of nests waiting on current pairs to retire. I am still continuing my indigo clear and deceiver glow perfect lines but also am attempting irish clear, monsoon clear as well as trying for the new Blue Bengal coat: Oasis. My Lotus perfects have been sidelined for the most part but with the introduction of a Lotus in one breeding pair I may just get some monsoon Lotus perfects.

There are a lot of good nests and I keep them in hopes of using them later. I keep the not so good too, you never know when you might need them, though I am planning on selling off some and a few of my excess perfects and near perfects.

Peace and Carrots, and good luck on your own breeding *^^*

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Genetic Musings 01

Game: Second Life, Breedable Meeroos

When I started breeding meeroos again after a few months break because I was moving, I started with the goal of breeding Spirit indigo clears. preferably with long furred tails, feline head, fluff and chest, and short or normal ears. I also like the look of the lotus so in my mixin the beginning were several spirits (with the wrong eye color), phantoms with indigo clear, and a Lotus female. To my surprise around the gen 3 a Phantom male (spirit//phantom os) paired with a Sunfire female (lotus/phantom  os) popped a Male Jade indigo clear long furred tail and long ears. I contemplated breeding it with a Spirit female but was informed that at the time Jades were going for 80k. After failing 4 times to auction it off with a starting bid of 40k, a lady at the very first auction was able to acquire the funds to purchase the jade nest.This money ended up being cashed out to help with dentist bills. My only request from the buyer was a picture of him when birth, of which i received 3 later.

My goal still is breeding my perfect spirit meeroo to be a mini me but I've added other side goals as well.
Spirit Indigo clear and Deceiver glow feline head fluff and chest long furred tail short and flitter ears
Jade Indigo clear and Deceiver glow fluff and chest feline head long furred tail short and flitter ears
Lotus Indigo clear and Deceiver glow fluff and chest feline head long furred tail short and flitter ears

If I can manage a noc biolume on these it would be icing on the cake.

What has happened so far is another Jade from a full brother of my first Jade, a Lotus indigo clear long mane long furred tail long ears. I then paired him with a spirit female indigo clear with fluff and chest long furred tail and long ears I had bought. They then had a Jade near their last few nest same as the original pair that popped the 1st Jade. That Jade was then paired with another spirit female (indigo clear short eared curled tail) who is related the 1st Jade on the mother's side (the 1st Jade's mom also had a curled tail but the ears were notched). 4th nest or so they popped a Jade which I am pairing with a grandson of the 2nd Jade. Same time the 2nd jades oldest Son, which is a Arabian indigo clear long furred tailed short eared hada Jade indigo clear feline headed long furred tail fluff and chest female so I am pairing her with her Jade grandfather. Her first nest was with a Koi flitter eared male though since she wasn't old enough yet last time the Jade male, Milynn was in season and so he had one last nest with his mate Juulian. Juulian father Juuzou was a Imperial indigo clear with short tail and ears and whose mother  Lilian was a Lotus indigo clear canine head long down ears fluff and chest curled tail who is daughter of Persephone (Lotus deceiver glow), half sibling of the 1st Jade from the same mother.

There is also a jubilee tidal clear long furred long down nest that I sold for a few a few K at auction that is related to the 1st Jade's mom but I am having trouble tracking her down at the moment.

I go on feeling a lot of time with pairings, I consider my choices carefully, I stockpile nests labeling them and keep them either rezzed out or in folders. I weight what traits and coat tiers I want to combine and what their parentage might have on the results. I've had surprises, good and bad. even if a roo has the wrong eye color, if its dusty and it has the color I want in the background the is a chance, same with any other trait. Trait against trait yields better results then trait against nothing but you have to weigh that trait seriously if its something you really do not like. I used to dislike long manes but I have quite a few with it now including my Jade male Milynn and though I prefer head fluff or fluff and chest to it, I am ok with it being on my roos. Generally I am finding that breeding high tiered coats to lower is getting me the results I want, even if it takes me a few generated and back-breeding a bit. I am also finding that low tiered coats can indeed be useful if they have higher tiered coat parents. I've had this happen before my sabbatical and finding it as true today as in the beginning.

To note yes higher generation roos do breed well and pop good things but also lower gene ones can pop surprises, esp if there is some higher generation behind them. I try to keep my generations 7+ .

In the beginning I was trying to breed out any eye color besides indigo or deceiver. I find myself because of some happy accidents reintroducing Cobalt and  to match with their noc equivalents. My Trollfire also (another unexpected coat) has Dragonfruit nocturnal murky which I hope to develope into glow on a trollfire in future, it is a nice combination. His mate is a Pit Prowler Sea Mist Glow.

For reference:
1st Jade Pistachie -
2nd Jade Milynn -
Jubilee Tidal -

*I am interested in acquiring offspring or grand offspring of Pistachie.

Thank you for reading I hoped my ramblings help and much luck in your own breedings,
Peace and Carrots,
Amethyst Gears